Saturday 9 July 2011

Trips and trials

Just quick post for now as I have a job application to do (more earning potential than current job!).
I travelled to Brighton for 2 days and had an amazing time, especially drinking cocktails! And I also bought a new bag....I had been looking for one for ages!! The pic doesnt do it justice, its more of a watermelon coral colour

         Early morning bandstand jiving (as in 8am early!)
 Disco balls not street lights
Cosmopolitan (1st pink one Ive ever had!)

I return home to attempt heated rollers......I looked for tutorial videos on youtube and I must say the second attempt was better than the first.
But for some reason I don't seem to get too many curls.....just waves and very good volume.....I dont think Im rolling them tightly enough....and Im SO cackhanded it is quite frankly laughable...I cant seem to section, comb, and roller, without getting annoyed or frustrated.
I have told myself that practice makes perfect and I have also now purchased Lottabody setting lotion to see if that helps a wee bit!?

Update to follow as I also practised rolling my hair with a comb----except idiot here wound her hair round the spikes and not the handle and a friend had to cut the comb out!!! Haha whoops!

Monday 4 July 2011

Colour, curls and compliments!

OK well we did it. Me and my hairdresser. Tousled with my hair. Well she didnt tousle......she IS the expert, my wonderful Missy C ...who always knows what she's doing and has extreme incredible patience when Im being my usual dithery "do i or dont i?" self!!

So here is my hair before...these are Truly Before in sans maquillage!

 oh dear oh dear oh dear........................

 oh dear oh dear oh dear look at those ends!!!

EEK!! Roots Manuva!

and I didnt learn until I was perched on Missy C's sofa having a cup of tea that my last appointment was the 5th April - oh my god! Three whole months ago! No wonder it looked a state!!

So out came the foils and the peroxide and the gossip........30 mins later Im a much lighter blonde yay :)
And then we had the hairdryer and then came my first ever attempt at the heated rollers. OK Missy C did it - I unpacked them haha and took them out!
I think I looked pretty damm gorgeous with the rollers IN actually! Wish I had had my camera with me!

And here are a few pics I took when I returned home !

 Now isnt this better?! Question is, can I do it myself?! Hmmmmm surely its only practice?!

 Haha god knows what I thought I was doing here but it makes me laugh so Im leaving it in!!
Christ I look half decent here!!!

The hair has dropped a bit as it was so muggy here today......and maybe next time I will leave the rollers in a wee bit longer............and maybe some setting lotion? Ive heard Lottabody is good....................I am not going to do this every day for work..........but I will do it for weekends, evenings out, and other special occasions.................but I am going to come home from work and practise on the days I dont do Zumba so I get better at them now Ive watched Missy C in action and seen how its done.............this could be very very very amusing............but all in all I love love love my hair now and I love my hairdresser too *mwah*. And this is my first real step onto the ladder of hair of Ms Monroe!

Sunday 3 July 2011

Would Marilyn have Zumba'd?

Well you are allowed a weekly allowance of 49 points..(on top of your daily one)...and I only started this on Friday and my weekly allowance is down to 23 already! haha...oops!
And now Im out for lunch today and have Brighton to contend with next week eekkk!
Better do some exercising then. Which currently is Zumba. Not going to lie - I find bits of it quite boring. I have the DVD. I hate exercising in a group, Im much better off doing it at home. If I want to do it at 5am I can. I dont live in New York so the betting I find a Zumba class at that hour here in the sticks is no way Jose!

But it works. I sweat like a pony! As in my bra is wet through. So somethings happening ( cardiac arrest knowing me hehe) . But Im sticking with it. Especially as I now have Sunday lunch out today and a cooked breakfast on Wed morning...but more about Brighton when I have been and gone......including the wonderful place I stay.....The Avalon....

Back to Marilyn....I digress yet again.....I have printed off 8 hairstyles of hers for my hair makeover tomorrow. I have unpacked my heated rollers, realise I am so cack-handed this will be highly amusing...and have told myself not to bother doing it when going to work, just for weekends and other important stuff.........................
So here are the pictures my hairdresser is getting ( fortunately she is one of those who actually LIKES pictures to be taken to her, she knows if she can do it then or not and advises me best)....some hairdressers hate pictures...................I will take before and after photos.............roll on tomorrow then for cutting, colouring, giggling and heated rollering!

Clearly I realise the last two are Paris Hilton (can't actually stand the woman but this is for a purpose now!) but my hair will DEFINITELY do the last 2 styles as it looks like the last pic if I just leave it! (well OK if I sleep on it and dont brush it, that is more or less what you get ahem)

PS - not aiming to be as thin as the last pic as a) thats impossible as I like food, and b) too thin - I have boobs and I love them!

And one more thing before I go, I did the make up yesterday.....mineral foundation, brown  liquid eyeliner (suits me better than black - thats too harsh for me), and red lipstick :) and I felt good!

Saturday 2 July 2011

Follower number 1 Award!

This goes to Missy Vintage! Yay! Ooh my first ever follower! Now it feels real and weird! I know a few of my facebook and real life friends have read a bit of my blog...but now I have an actual follower! Fame haha!

I was quite excited! Thank you Missy Vintage and here is her blog....check it out! I have just nosed over a few minutes and already I have found really interesting, thought-provoking posts on daring to wear red lipstick (all very true - where has the glamour of life gone?!. Maybe it's all hiding in grey tracksuit bottoms and Juicy Couture. Hmm.

Clothing crisis :(

Yesterday I attempted to wear no black. And I did it. It did involve a lot of co-ordinating items I had not previously "put together". But in the end, and after a lot of swearing, and a whole heap of clothes on the bed, I wore a forest green scoop neck top, a pair of dark grey trousers, and green ballet pumps. The trousers weren't right though...I love them....they are from a charity shop. Four pounds fifty and Marks and Sparks! But the waist is too high and the legs too wide for what I was trying to achieve they look better with a heel. They're a bit too 40's for a 50's look (ish!)

So off I went to the shops and spied a pair of tapered leg, very fine dogtooth check, trousers in the BHS sale. 12 pounds. And in the changing room I loved them. Now I hate them! Haha. They are linen and scratchy and I have washed them in a LOT OF LENOR and they bag and I look like my granny!
So they are a no -go.

So I have had a bit of a rethink. I am not going to buy any more clothes until I have lost a dress size. There is no point. Why buy clothes now if Im determined to lose weight?
So I had a look at Retro Chick's blog again and looked at hair and her lippy reviews and decided that for now, I am going to do the hairstyling and the make up. The clothes and heels will have to wait.For now. But I will get there.
Speaking to Claudia, my hairdresser yesterday ( OK,calling her a lot and probably annoying her haha), I have now in my possession some heated rollers for the hairstyle on Monday (I am hoping to take before and after pics!)

Retro Chick also has some amazing tips for hair, and she really helped me with a question I had specifically regarding La Monroe's hairstyle. In fact, she is a veritable mine of information, and by clicking on one of her sponsored links I also got 3 pairs of stockings for a tenner! What more does a girl want?
Check out her blog here

Friday 1 July 2011

Retro chick

It was this lady and her blog  that started me thinking........Retro Chick
I like how she uses her words "vintage glamour"..thats what I'm aiming for.......!

In fact it was Retro Chick who, through her blogging , gave me my first styling tip about manicured nails and ever since I read about that particular nail polish tip, I have done it. Religiously. And it makes a difference seeing your nails all shiny with minimal effort and time! So check it out at   The Lazy Girl's Guide to Making An Effort

It's quite a wonderful blog, she writes really well, and Ive actually learned quite a lot from her before I've even started! So thank you Retro Chick for all your help so far, and you didn't even know about it!

Still thinking

Hmm posting a lot right now but have lots in my head!!
This image change is quite exciting but it does require a definite wardrobe clear out and a bit of thought! Im quite eager and excited now!!!
Ive had the following webpage saved for a while now....

How to Look Like Marilyn

and it has some good hints and tips but I will NOT be following some of it...I hate polka dots, I do not like bows, but I do like the fur wrap idea and I have to sort out walking in heels (god help us)..............the rest seems OK...........apart from the ice baths and the figure measurements - apart from that Im practically there! Hahahah!
Im going to try out something Marilyn-esque today - Im going to add a Marilyn tweak to my outfit - not sure what yet...............

First breakfast

OK well on the new WW system Im allowed 29 propoints a day (yes I know I said I wasnt going to bleat on but one sec haha)......well I ve worked out my breakfast and Ive used 7 points already -and thats only toast and marmalade and marmite and a cup of tea! Good God!
I will be wiggling around in heels and  skirts before we know it!!

Seriously though it really has made me think already about portion size, we eat too much, and planning ahead so I don't succumb to huge slabs of chocolate ....hehe.....planned that one out, WW cake bars in the fridge (2 points each yawn yawn) but I HAVE TO DO THIS!

Dietary thoughts and styling dilemmas

OK well after weeks, months, and maybe possibly years of telling myself to lose weight, today is the day I start! A friend has lent me all the new Weight Watchers stuff I need, and I am desperately going to try not to turn into one of those boring cows who bleat on and on about how many "points" something has!
So I weighed myself this morning ( and no, Im not going to tell you). Suffice to say I have quite a bit to lose. If I shift 3 stone I will be happy /get to a dress size 14..........dont know if they are one and the same we will have to see!
So my first goal is half a stone off..........I have my right food, my points allowance (sorry!) and my exercise plan ----my new Zumba DVD! Which I have been doing for the last few weeks, I just need to get my foot checked out by the doc this afternoon and then it's all systems go!

I was also pondering a few new clothes last night................and then I remembered my Marilyn idea..........and then I realised most shops may not stock the EXACT stuff I its a case of vamp it up,, or add a Marilyn "tweak". The  MOST IMPORTANT thing I realised is that Miss Monroe did NOT wear a lot of black. I wear it. A lot. Too much. Waaaaayyyy too much. So this could be a good thing, more so than I thought!
However, the blonde bombshell did wear leopard print hoorah!!! But I notice she teams it with navy. And she wears darker muted colours, such as a forest shade of green, she has damm gorgeous outfits though and she did seem to like red, and capri pants and pencil skirts - which is all good as they all suit me, and will do even more soon when Im thinner! Woohoo.

I have been thinking of posting a pic of myself now at the start of my journey but Im not happy with myself at the minute so will do it at some point.........................

But to keep me inspired, and you to know what Im on about, here's a pick of outfits from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes ( of course they do hehe)

        I love this pic - as they walk in, everyone stares....

          "Ooh I always need new places to wear diamonds"
               I love what she is wearing here

      And let's end with Marilyn in action!.....................................................