Sunday 3 July 2011

Would Marilyn have Zumba'd?

Well you are allowed a weekly allowance of 49 points..(on top of your daily one)...and I only started this on Friday and my weekly allowance is down to 23 already! haha...oops!
And now Im out for lunch today and have Brighton to contend with next week eekkk!
Better do some exercising then. Which currently is Zumba. Not going to lie - I find bits of it quite boring. I have the DVD. I hate exercising in a group, Im much better off doing it at home. If I want to do it at 5am I can. I dont live in New York so the betting I find a Zumba class at that hour here in the sticks is no way Jose!

But it works. I sweat like a pony! As in my bra is wet through. So somethings happening ( cardiac arrest knowing me hehe) . But Im sticking with it. Especially as I now have Sunday lunch out today and a cooked breakfast on Wed morning...but more about Brighton when I have been and gone......including the wonderful place I stay.....The Avalon....

Back to Marilyn....I digress yet again.....I have printed off 8 hairstyles of hers for my hair makeover tomorrow. I have unpacked my heated rollers, realise I am so cack-handed this will be highly amusing...and have told myself not to bother doing it when going to work, just for weekends and other important stuff.........................
So here are the pictures my hairdresser is getting ( fortunately she is one of those who actually LIKES pictures to be taken to her, she knows if she can do it then or not and advises me best)....some hairdressers hate pictures...................I will take before and after photos.............roll on tomorrow then for cutting, colouring, giggling and heated rollering!

Clearly I realise the last two are Paris Hilton (can't actually stand the woman but this is for a purpose now!) but my hair will DEFINITELY do the last 2 styles as it looks like the last pic if I just leave it! (well OK if I sleep on it and dont brush it, that is more or less what you get ahem)

PS - not aiming to be as thin as the last pic as a) thats impossible as I like food, and b) too thin - I have boobs and I love them!

And one more thing before I go, I did the make up yesterday.....mineral foundation, brown  liquid eyeliner (suits me better than black - thats too harsh for me), and red lipstick :) and I felt good!

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