Saturday 2 July 2011

Clothing crisis :(

Yesterday I attempted to wear no black. And I did it. It did involve a lot of co-ordinating items I had not previously "put together". But in the end, and after a lot of swearing, and a whole heap of clothes on the bed, I wore a forest green scoop neck top, a pair of dark grey trousers, and green ballet pumps. The trousers weren't right though...I love them....they are from a charity shop. Four pounds fifty and Marks and Sparks! But the waist is too high and the legs too wide for what I was trying to achieve they look better with a heel. They're a bit too 40's for a 50's look (ish!)

So off I went to the shops and spied a pair of tapered leg, very fine dogtooth check, trousers in the BHS sale. 12 pounds. And in the changing room I loved them. Now I hate them! Haha. They are linen and scratchy and I have washed them in a LOT OF LENOR and they bag and I look like my granny!
So they are a no -go.

So I have had a bit of a rethink. I am not going to buy any more clothes until I have lost a dress size. There is no point. Why buy clothes now if Im determined to lose weight?
So I had a look at Retro Chick's blog again and looked at hair and her lippy reviews and decided that for now, I am going to do the hairstyling and the make up. The clothes and heels will have to wait.For now. But I will get there.
Speaking to Claudia, my hairdresser yesterday ( OK,calling her a lot and probably annoying her haha), I have now in my possession some heated rollers for the hairstyle on Monday (I am hoping to take before and after pics!)

Retro Chick also has some amazing tips for hair, and she really helped me with a question I had specifically regarding La Monroe's hairstyle. In fact, she is a veritable mine of information, and by clicking on one of her sponsored links I also got 3 pairs of stockings for a tenner! What more does a girl want?
Check out her blog here

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