Monday 4 July 2011

Colour, curls and compliments!

OK well we did it. Me and my hairdresser. Tousled with my hair. Well she didnt tousle......she IS the expert, my wonderful Missy C ...who always knows what she's doing and has extreme incredible patience when Im being my usual dithery "do i or dont i?" self!!

So here is my hair before...these are Truly Before in sans maquillage!

 oh dear oh dear oh dear........................

 oh dear oh dear oh dear look at those ends!!!

EEK!! Roots Manuva!

and I didnt learn until I was perched on Missy C's sofa having a cup of tea that my last appointment was the 5th April - oh my god! Three whole months ago! No wonder it looked a state!!

So out came the foils and the peroxide and the gossip........30 mins later Im a much lighter blonde yay :)
And then we had the hairdryer and then came my first ever attempt at the heated rollers. OK Missy C did it - I unpacked them haha and took them out!
I think I looked pretty damm gorgeous with the rollers IN actually! Wish I had had my camera with me!

And here are a few pics I took when I returned home !

 Now isnt this better?! Question is, can I do it myself?! Hmmmmm surely its only practice?!

 Haha god knows what I thought I was doing here but it makes me laugh so Im leaving it in!!
Christ I look half decent here!!!

The hair has dropped a bit as it was so muggy here today......and maybe next time I will leave the rollers in a wee bit longer............and maybe some setting lotion? Ive heard Lottabody is good....................I am not going to do this every day for work..........but I will do it for weekends, evenings out, and other special occasions.................but I am going to come home from work and practise on the days I dont do Zumba so I get better at them now Ive watched Missy C in action and seen how its done.............this could be very very very amusing............but all in all I love love love my hair now and I love my hairdresser too *mwah*. And this is my first real step onto the ladder of hair of Ms Monroe!


  1. That's a lovely shade of blonde. I'm toying with the idea of leaving the dark side, I haven't been blond in my thirties.... hmmm x

  2. Thank you! Believe it or not, its only one shade, foiled through......I went darker in my 30s quite a few times...and sometimes I do think of going back to the dark side! Lets swap! Haha
