Friday 1 July 2011

Retro chick

It was this lady and her blog  that started me thinking........Retro Chick
I like how she uses her words "vintage glamour"..thats what I'm aiming for.......!

In fact it was Retro Chick who, through her blogging , gave me my first styling tip about manicured nails and ever since I read about that particular nail polish tip, I have done it. Religiously. And it makes a difference seeing your nails all shiny with minimal effort and time! So check it out at   The Lazy Girl's Guide to Making An Effort

It's quite a wonderful blog, she writes really well, and Ive actually learned quite a lot from her before I've even started! So thank you Retro Chick for all your help so far, and you didn't even know about it!


  1. Ah, that's lovely! Thank you :D

    Glad to be of service!

  2. Retro chick was one of my inspirations to pull my finger out and start blogging instead of just thinking about it. I like the name of your blog, I am a huge Ms. Monroe fan! x
